Blue Knights MDC Robert “Bud” Overby Memorial

Scholarship Guidelines

Realizing that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, this scholarship is intended to assist deserving candidates
with their continued education and further development.

The Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc., Mason Dixon Conference (MDC),
will make available up to two (2) $500.00 college scholarships to immediate family members of members of
the MDC. For the purpose of this scholarship, immediate family members, who may be related by blood or
adopted, are described as:

  • Son/stepson
  • Daughter/stepdaughter
  • Grandchildren

The MDC Chairman shall appoint a scholarship committee, consisting of 3-5 MDC members to review all
applications and make the final and non-contestable selection decision. Upon receiving this scholarship,
awardees are not eligible for subsequent MDC scholarship awards.

If less than two (2) applications are received or there is only one application worthy of support, the MDC Board
of Directors may increase the amount of the scholarship to a single award of up to a maximum of $1,000.00.

In the event no application is received or no application is worthy, the budgeted monies shall remain in the
MDC treasury. They will not be added to the next year’s award or used to fund more than the two awards noted

Blank applications will be made available at the MDC winter meeting and must be postmarked and returned to
the committee chairman no later than the date specified on the application. Once the application date has
passed, the committee chairman shall begin the selection process with the other committee members. Upon
completing the selection process, the committee chairman shall notify the MDC Chairman, and the Chairman
will announce the award(s) at the spring MDC meeting. The MDC Secretary will prepare a letter of
congratulations for the Conference Chairman’s signature who will send the notification to award recipient(s).

Since college choices are often changed, the selected applicant will notify the MDC Treasurer once the final
college selection is made. The scholarship check shall be issued in the name of the college and the applicant.

Criteria to be considered in the selection process shall include but are not be limited to the following:

  • Content, accuracy, and quality of the required essay and application
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Attendance record at school
  • Grade Point Average
  • Academic courses required for degree(s)
  • Amount of tuition vs. lodging
  • Community service
  • Outside financial concerns

Submitted by John Weinstein, MDC Secretary, February 17, 2019
Accepted: MDC Spring Conference, 2019

Click here for MDC 2024 Scholarship Application